Sika's Page
Hawkam Leading Lady Of Kachemak
Sika finally joined Kai, Elke & Chena in April 2021, at the age of 14 years and 11 months.
We are so proud of all that she achieved and are devastated by her loss. She fought right to the end.
We feel privileged to have been part of the Hawkam family, but sad that she was the end of an era, the last of the Hawkam bred Malamutes.
She has left us with a very quiet house. We miss the elbow nudges at breakfast time.
Sleep Tight beautiful Sika-woo.
Until we meet again xx
We are so proud of all that she achieved and are devastated by her loss. She fought right to the end.
We feel privileged to have been part of the Hawkam family, but sad that she was the end of an era, the last of the Hawkam bred Malamutes.
She has left us with a very quiet house. We miss the elbow nudges at breakfast time.
Sleep Tight beautiful Sika-woo.
Until we meet again xx
Sika was one of a lovely litter of 9 puppies, also bred by Walt & Kath Howarth at Hawkam, and sired by Devon. Her Mum was the stunning Hawkam's bitch, Quin. Quin did a great deal of winning in the show ring with many Best Bitch and Best Of Breed awards at Championship Show Level, including Best Bitch at Crufts 2005. She also gained her Show Certificate of Merit for her success at Open Show level. Quin won BEST IN SHOW out of massive entry of 225 Malamutes at the AMCUK Championship Show 2007 under top USA Malamute breeder and world renowned judge Nancy Russell (Storm Kloud's) which gave her her first CC. Her second CC was won at the National Dog in Stafford in May 2008 and her 3rd was won at the same show in 2009. She became our 4th UK Champion.
Sika immediately set about running things. She is a real water baby and led Chena astray from the start by systematically destroying the garden. She had her own paddling pool to try and persuade her not to paddle in the bird bath! Sika, too, is a very affectionate pup and was just the right size for picking up and squeezing. We tried to make the most of it while we could. She has turned into a very loving, but demanding little girl who craves attention and constant company. She is the smallest of the dogs but has the biggest voice. She chatters and woos when she wants something, which is usually all the time! She may be small but she is perfectly formed with a beautiful cheeky expression which gets her noticed by all the judges.
Sika has been showing since December 2006 when she was awarded first place in a big puppy class at her very first show, The Ladies Kennel Association Championship Show. During the rest of her first year of showing she notched up a number of Open Show Best Puppy In Breed, Best Of Breed, Group and Puppy Group placings, as well as numerous other 1st places at Championship Shows. She is consistently placed in the top 3 at Championship Shows. She gained a Stud Book Number by taking the Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate out of the Junior class at just 15 months of age at the Welsh Kennel Club 2007 which means she has qualified for Crufts for life. In April 2010 she won her first Challenge Certificate with Best Bitch and Best of Breed at West of England Ladies Kennel Society Championship Show and then 4 weeks later she gained her second Challenge Certificate with Best Bitch and Best of Breed again at the Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show. She picked up her 2nd Reserve Challenge Certificate at the age of 7 at Driffield Championship Show. Sika competed in some very tough Veteran classes against Chena and lots of other lovely ladies, right up until the age of 10.
Sika was awarded the Top Special Beginner Award in the 2007 AMCUK Malamute Of The Year Competition. She was also 3rd Top Bitch and 7th Top Malamute Overall. In the 2008 results she was 7th Top Bitch and 17th Top Malamute. In the 2009 results she was 16th Top Bitch and in 2010 she was 4th Top Bitch and 9th Top Mal overall. Sika worked alongside Elke in harness during her first season, then competed in rallies with a variety of partners including her Uncle Kodi and her Brother Womble.
Sika completed her Working Team Dog (WTD) Certificate, completing a number of 10 mile treks alongside Nemo owned by Marina and Paddy Page or her brother Womble.
Sika also competed regularly in Weight-pull competitions. She never quite matched her half sister for strength and technique but was also one of the first 4 UK Malamutes to achieve their Alaskan Malamute Club of America WWPD certificate. She was also working towards her Excellent Certificate (WWPDX). As you can see though, she occasionally believed that she is too pretty to pull. She's now retired from competing in harness although she does occasionally provide some entertainment in the weight pull chute!
As a result of Sika and her brothers' and sisters' working successes, their Mum Quin became the first UK Malamute to earn her Register Of Merit - Working Dog Certificate (ROMWD) through the AMCA, which recognises the working achievements of a dog or bitches progeny. Devon has also earned this accolade.
Sika completed her Working Team Dog (WTD) Certificate, completing a number of 10 mile treks alongside Nemo owned by Marina and Paddy Page or her brother Womble.
Sika also competed regularly in Weight-pull competitions. She never quite matched her half sister for strength and technique but was also one of the first 4 UK Malamutes to achieve their Alaskan Malamute Club of America WWPD certificate. She was also working towards her Excellent Certificate (WWPDX). As you can see though, she occasionally believed that she is too pretty to pull. She's now retired from competing in harness although she does occasionally provide some entertainment in the weight pull chute!
As a result of Sika and her brothers' and sisters' working successes, their Mum Quin became the first UK Malamute to earn her Register Of Merit - Working Dog Certificate (ROMWD) through the AMCA, which recognises the working achievements of a dog or bitches progeny. Devon has also earned this accolade.
some of the judges comments
"Lovely head and expression, good neck, topline and quarters, so well bodied and in super coat and condition, sound and positive on the move."
Mrs S Marshall, 2nd Bannerdown Benching Veteran Stakes, Darlington, September 2015
"Pretty expression, and good overall shape, dark oblique eyes, straight front, tad down on pastern, good topline and angulation, rear end not as strong on the move as when she was younger."
Sue Hewart-Chambers, 3rd Veteran Bitch, AMCUK Open, July 2015
"Coming up for 9 years old but doesn’t look it. Good muscletone, bone & feet. In full coat of excellent texture & on the move belied her years. Looks like she would still work all day."
Christina Chapman, Best Veteran In Show, Cumberland CA, February 2015
"Both these girls moved out well around the ring & are still very sound. 8 years old, feminine head with well furred ears & a dark eye giving a sweet expression. Smaller & more compact type but with good rear angulation "
Anne Nevinson, 1st Veteran Bitch & Reserve Best Bitch, Working & Pastoral Breeds Association of Scotland, November 2014
"Loved the substance of this girl, she showed her heart out and had great movement. On another day she could have easily have placed 1st or 2nd. Her head and body are very much in proportion with another. Strong topline going into a nice correct tail set. Many appealing things about her."
Cheryl Paterson (Canada), 3rd Veteran Bitch, AMCUK Champ Show, September 2014
"Another sound bitch of excellent type. Correct in coat with a good head & expression. Quality front & rear, firm in the body & has the shape & substance with nice angles & a good tailset. Moves out well"
Dave Killilea, 2nd Open Bitch, Driffield, September 2014
"Very similar in type to winner, perhaps a tad smaller. Her overall balance is good. She has a little too much angulation in the rear & she is also a bit short stepping in front. Not the good side action of the winner;"
Lorraine Bolton, 2nd Veteran Bitch, SKC, August 2014
"Always admired this bitch, love her expression, nice width of chest for age, good for bone and substance, correct harsh coat, waiving plume tailset, clean coming and going with an efficient side gait"
John Phillips, 3rd Open Bitch, Three Counties, June 2014
"Well presented 7 year old who again was of excellent type with good head & body, well handled to get the best out of her."
Roberta Wright, 2nd Open Bitch, Working & Pastoral Breeds Ass of Scotland November 2013
"7 years, kind expression & lovely dark eyes on a well balanced head & correct dentition with lovely clean teeth & her well arched neck made it the complete picture, topline is really good as his her tailset & her hocks are strong & sound which helped her move soundly throughout with no faults. RCC"
Steve Myring, 1st Open Bitch & Reserve Challenge Certificate, Driffield, September 2013
"Pretty feminine girl with a lovely soft expression, correct head proportions, small well furred ears and lovely dark eye. Good bone, correct angulations front & rear, strong hocks & nice short strong pasterns. Beautiful correctly textured coat. Good tail set & carriage. Moderate & well balanced. Moved out well, just lost out to 1st on the final run around but could easily change on another day. "
Marina Page, 2nd Open, Lanchester Agricultural Society, July 2013
"Liked her head and expression very much and she held a good topline and tail carriage and moved out well. Res Best Bitch."
Brenda Banbury, 2nd Open Bitch & Reserve Best Bitch, Working & Pastoral Breeds Ass of Scotland November 2012
" 6 yr g/white bitch. As feminine as winner of this class was masculine. Such a pretty headpiece, strong compact muzzle, with dark oblique eyes and small, well furred ears. Gives an overall picture of balance, strong pasterns, well angled rear, topline slightly sloping and tail carried beautifully on the move. Plenty of bone and fantastic coat. Her movement echo’s her soundness on the stand, but lacked the enthusiasm of the class winner which cost her a higher place."
Alanna J.Blaney, Grantham & District Open Show October 2012
"Stunning looking 6 year bitch in the best of coats, loved her outline & balance, beautiful head & expression, well used ears, good construction all through with plenty of bone & substance, she has excellent movement particularly in profile. At first glance she looked a little short in the neck but on getting my hands on her it was apparent that this was due to her abundant coat, I find it hard to believe she is not a ch yet"
Bridgette Bodle, 1st Open Bitch & Best Bitch, Driffield, September 2012
"This girl also left her coat at home. I preferred the head on this bitch, but not as settled on the move as 1. Good topline with correct tailset. She is also a little long in pastern & needs to settle on the move. Would like to see both these girls in coat."
Helen Burke, 2nd Limit Bitch, SKC, August 2010
"A quality bitch, it was a close call between 1 & 2 in this class and could have been reversed on another day. Correct feminine head with correct ear and eye placement and a correct stop. Super construction, in fabulous condition and moved out with drive."
Jane Brook, 2nd Open, NEEWPBS, May 2010
"This was THE class of the day and full of quality with a number of girls that I really like going cardless.
1. Forster – Hawkam Leading Lady Of Kachemak. Birthday girl – 4 today and litter sister to the Limit Dog 1 & 2. I fell for this one as a wee girl at WKC 3 years ago giving her the RCC on that occasion and how delighted I was to see how she has matured into this aptly named beautiful lady. Delightful in every facet, the darkest of eyes, small, well furred thick ears. Powerful yet feminine, well boned, strong pasterns and tight feet. Deep chest, well sprung with sloping topline and correct tailset and carriage. Effortless and true movement and absolutely delighted to award her CC no.2 and BOB."
Roger Cruden, 1st Limit Bitch, Bitch CC & Best Of Breed, SKC, May 2010
"Quality female that has always impressed me. Dark oblique eye, nice ear set and shape, scissor bite, broad skull but still looks feminine. Good bone, tight well arched feet, good angulation in front/rear, good overall picture standing and kept it on the move. Won a very strong class and deserved her RBB."
John Phillips, 1st Limit Bitch, Reserve Best Bitch In Show, AMCUK Open Show, May 2010
"This bitch has so much quality I just loved her for her substance & type. So typical in profile, she is moderate in every way the standard calls for. Feminine head of good proportion with nice eye and good pigment. A lovely arch to her neck, well laid shoulders & straight front. Good chest depth and spring of rib, firm loin. Well boned legs with feet of good size and well arched toes. Short, strong & slightly sloping pasterns. Balanced angles front & rear with broad thighs, slightly sloping croup and correct tail. She moved with a lovely powerful side gait, maintaining her topline and she didn’t put a foot wrong. She had tough competition, but I thought she was cracking and I was delighted to award her the BCC & BOB."
Sharon Loades, 1st Limit Bitch, Bitch CC & Best of Breed, WELKS, April 2010
"Correct feminine head with well proportioned muzzle for size, correct bite, nice eye shape & size, correct pigment. Ears could be smaller but set is correct. Perfectly proportioned body with correct bone, depth of chest and feet for size, well angulated, nicely arched strong neck, correct tail set and carriage, good coat and pigment, good sloping topline which was held on the move, well muscled, moved out well in her class."
Nicola Singh, 1st Postgraduate Bitch & Best Bitch, Boston, January 2010
"Super dark eye, feminine head & expression....Nice shape and size, well placed shoulder, good tailset. Moved OK"
Jenny Shorer-Wheeler, 1st Limit, Barrow, October 2009
"Movement really took my eye when she entered the ring, really good ground covering gait, when I went over her she did not disappoint, excellent conformation, super outline, attractive head of correct type, really well balanced throughout. Nice girl"
Brunette Greenland, 1st Limit Bitch, AMCUK Open Show, May 2009
"A lovely little bitch with good movement and nice angulations, drove in the movement and stood well over pads. Pretty face with good coat length & texture."
Terry Coldham, 1st Open Bitch Rescue Stakes, AMCUK Open Show, May 2009
"Powerfully built bitch without courseness with a good head and strong muzzle, good eyes and earset, excellent dentition, moved & held her top line well"
Brian Everill, 1st Open, Whitehaven, March 2009
"slightly shorter muzzle than 1. Feminine expression, very good ears, nice neckline, very good to go over, very good length of back, topline, excellent rear drive."
Mary Deats, 2nd Postgraduate Bitch, WKC, August 2008
"Loved this young girl, beautiful feminine head with lovely dark correct eye, small ears and stop not overdone. Arched neck running onto sloping topline. Deep chest with good front and pasterns. Moved well and held her topline and tail on the go."
Jo Sugden, 1st Open Bitch & Best Bitch, Working & Pastoral Breed of Scotland, November 2008
"Very fit, well balanced and close up here"
Rodney Oldham, 2nd Junior Bitch, Birmingham City, September 2007
"just 15 months and what a babe. If I was to take one home today this was she. Beautiful expression with really dark eyes and small well furred ears. Well constructed, good bone, pasterns and feet. Level topline but expected for a bitch of this age, but dead straight with no roll. Went really well and didn’t twitch a muscle when stood – free standing and concentrating totally on her owner/handler."
Roger Cruden, 1st Junior Bitch & RCC, Welsh Kennel Club, August 2007
"Very appealing bitch, beautiful expression, lovely head shape, dark eye, nicely balanced, good proportions, coat correct. Good front although still needs to tighten, this will come with time. Held topline well on the move"
Jo Sugden, 1st Junior Bitch, Leeds, July 2007
"Well muscled and in control on the move showing drive, nice harsh coat, feminine head with dark eye and soft expression"
Keith Givens, 1st Junior Bitch, South Wales, July 2007
"Lovely bitch, feminine but with substance & ultra sound, beautiful head & eyes, in great coat. I liked her enormously."
Frank Kane, 1st Junior Bitch, National Working & Pastoral Breeds, July 2007
"Quality bitch, nice feminine head, keen dark eye, well set ears, mischievous expression. Still alot of maturing to do but sound on the move, strong topline, good strong bone, well handled and presented"
Simon Luxmoore, 1st Junior Bitch, Blackpool, June 2007
"Very affectionate girl, pleasing expression, nice picture in profile, good length of body, nice tight feet, loose in wrists but otherwise moved really well & will soon tighten up. Very pleasing bitch."
Steve Myring, 2nd Puppy Bitch, AMCUK, May 2007
"Nice type...Very feminine head, expression, good eye, good set of ear, ample neck, good forehand, good body length, moved well"
Steve Hall, 2nd Puppy Bitch, SKC, May 2007
" Strong yet feminine all through, very good type, broad, well proportioned head, strong muzzle, complete dentition with scissor bite, medium eye shade, well set ears, well arched neck to powerful forequarters, good ribbing, level topline, tailset on well, in good clean coat, moved easily."
Richard Kinsey, 1st Puppy & Best Puppy in Breed, Barrow, March 2007
"Neat head, adorable expression. Bit bustley at present but has everything there. Good weight & muscle for age, good coat for a bitch."
Sarah Robinson, 1st Puppy Bitch, LKA, December 2006
"Lovely head and expression, good neck, topline and quarters, so well bodied and in super coat and condition, sound and positive on the move."
Mrs S Marshall, 2nd Bannerdown Benching Veteran Stakes, Darlington, September 2015
"Pretty expression, and good overall shape, dark oblique eyes, straight front, tad down on pastern, good topline and angulation, rear end not as strong on the move as when she was younger."
Sue Hewart-Chambers, 3rd Veteran Bitch, AMCUK Open, July 2015
"Coming up for 9 years old but doesn’t look it. Good muscletone, bone & feet. In full coat of excellent texture & on the move belied her years. Looks like she would still work all day."
Christina Chapman, Best Veteran In Show, Cumberland CA, February 2015
"Both these girls moved out well around the ring & are still very sound. 8 years old, feminine head with well furred ears & a dark eye giving a sweet expression. Smaller & more compact type but with good rear angulation "
Anne Nevinson, 1st Veteran Bitch & Reserve Best Bitch, Working & Pastoral Breeds Association of Scotland, November 2014
"Loved the substance of this girl, she showed her heart out and had great movement. On another day she could have easily have placed 1st or 2nd. Her head and body are very much in proportion with another. Strong topline going into a nice correct tail set. Many appealing things about her."
Cheryl Paterson (Canada), 3rd Veteran Bitch, AMCUK Champ Show, September 2014
"Another sound bitch of excellent type. Correct in coat with a good head & expression. Quality front & rear, firm in the body & has the shape & substance with nice angles & a good tailset. Moves out well"
Dave Killilea, 2nd Open Bitch, Driffield, September 2014
"Very similar in type to winner, perhaps a tad smaller. Her overall balance is good. She has a little too much angulation in the rear & she is also a bit short stepping in front. Not the good side action of the winner;"
Lorraine Bolton, 2nd Veteran Bitch, SKC, August 2014
"Always admired this bitch, love her expression, nice width of chest for age, good for bone and substance, correct harsh coat, waiving plume tailset, clean coming and going with an efficient side gait"
John Phillips, 3rd Open Bitch, Three Counties, June 2014
"Well presented 7 year old who again was of excellent type with good head & body, well handled to get the best out of her."
Roberta Wright, 2nd Open Bitch, Working & Pastoral Breeds Ass of Scotland November 2013
"7 years, kind expression & lovely dark eyes on a well balanced head & correct dentition with lovely clean teeth & her well arched neck made it the complete picture, topline is really good as his her tailset & her hocks are strong & sound which helped her move soundly throughout with no faults. RCC"
Steve Myring, 1st Open Bitch & Reserve Challenge Certificate, Driffield, September 2013
"Pretty feminine girl with a lovely soft expression, correct head proportions, small well furred ears and lovely dark eye. Good bone, correct angulations front & rear, strong hocks & nice short strong pasterns. Beautiful correctly textured coat. Good tail set & carriage. Moderate & well balanced. Moved out well, just lost out to 1st on the final run around but could easily change on another day. "
Marina Page, 2nd Open, Lanchester Agricultural Society, July 2013
"Liked her head and expression very much and she held a good topline and tail carriage and moved out well. Res Best Bitch."
Brenda Banbury, 2nd Open Bitch & Reserve Best Bitch, Working & Pastoral Breeds Ass of Scotland November 2012
" 6 yr g/white bitch. As feminine as winner of this class was masculine. Such a pretty headpiece, strong compact muzzle, with dark oblique eyes and small, well furred ears. Gives an overall picture of balance, strong pasterns, well angled rear, topline slightly sloping and tail carried beautifully on the move. Plenty of bone and fantastic coat. Her movement echo’s her soundness on the stand, but lacked the enthusiasm of the class winner which cost her a higher place."
Alanna J.Blaney, Grantham & District Open Show October 2012
"Stunning looking 6 year bitch in the best of coats, loved her outline & balance, beautiful head & expression, well used ears, good construction all through with plenty of bone & substance, she has excellent movement particularly in profile. At first glance she looked a little short in the neck but on getting my hands on her it was apparent that this was due to her abundant coat, I find it hard to believe she is not a ch yet"
Bridgette Bodle, 1st Open Bitch & Best Bitch, Driffield, September 2012
"This girl also left her coat at home. I preferred the head on this bitch, but not as settled on the move as 1. Good topline with correct tailset. She is also a little long in pastern & needs to settle on the move. Would like to see both these girls in coat."
Helen Burke, 2nd Limit Bitch, SKC, August 2010
"A quality bitch, it was a close call between 1 & 2 in this class and could have been reversed on another day. Correct feminine head with correct ear and eye placement and a correct stop. Super construction, in fabulous condition and moved out with drive."
Jane Brook, 2nd Open, NEEWPBS, May 2010
"This was THE class of the day and full of quality with a number of girls that I really like going cardless.
1. Forster – Hawkam Leading Lady Of Kachemak. Birthday girl – 4 today and litter sister to the Limit Dog 1 & 2. I fell for this one as a wee girl at WKC 3 years ago giving her the RCC on that occasion and how delighted I was to see how she has matured into this aptly named beautiful lady. Delightful in every facet, the darkest of eyes, small, well furred thick ears. Powerful yet feminine, well boned, strong pasterns and tight feet. Deep chest, well sprung with sloping topline and correct tailset and carriage. Effortless and true movement and absolutely delighted to award her CC no.2 and BOB."
Roger Cruden, 1st Limit Bitch, Bitch CC & Best Of Breed, SKC, May 2010
"Quality female that has always impressed me. Dark oblique eye, nice ear set and shape, scissor bite, broad skull but still looks feminine. Good bone, tight well arched feet, good angulation in front/rear, good overall picture standing and kept it on the move. Won a very strong class and deserved her RBB."
John Phillips, 1st Limit Bitch, Reserve Best Bitch In Show, AMCUK Open Show, May 2010
"This bitch has so much quality I just loved her for her substance & type. So typical in profile, she is moderate in every way the standard calls for. Feminine head of good proportion with nice eye and good pigment. A lovely arch to her neck, well laid shoulders & straight front. Good chest depth and spring of rib, firm loin. Well boned legs with feet of good size and well arched toes. Short, strong & slightly sloping pasterns. Balanced angles front & rear with broad thighs, slightly sloping croup and correct tail. She moved with a lovely powerful side gait, maintaining her topline and she didn’t put a foot wrong. She had tough competition, but I thought she was cracking and I was delighted to award her the BCC & BOB."
Sharon Loades, 1st Limit Bitch, Bitch CC & Best of Breed, WELKS, April 2010
"Correct feminine head with well proportioned muzzle for size, correct bite, nice eye shape & size, correct pigment. Ears could be smaller but set is correct. Perfectly proportioned body with correct bone, depth of chest and feet for size, well angulated, nicely arched strong neck, correct tail set and carriage, good coat and pigment, good sloping topline which was held on the move, well muscled, moved out well in her class."
Nicola Singh, 1st Postgraduate Bitch & Best Bitch, Boston, January 2010
"Super dark eye, feminine head & expression....Nice shape and size, well placed shoulder, good tailset. Moved OK"
Jenny Shorer-Wheeler, 1st Limit, Barrow, October 2009
"Movement really took my eye when she entered the ring, really good ground covering gait, when I went over her she did not disappoint, excellent conformation, super outline, attractive head of correct type, really well balanced throughout. Nice girl"
Brunette Greenland, 1st Limit Bitch, AMCUK Open Show, May 2009
"A lovely little bitch with good movement and nice angulations, drove in the movement and stood well over pads. Pretty face with good coat length & texture."
Terry Coldham, 1st Open Bitch Rescue Stakes, AMCUK Open Show, May 2009
"Powerfully built bitch without courseness with a good head and strong muzzle, good eyes and earset, excellent dentition, moved & held her top line well"
Brian Everill, 1st Open, Whitehaven, March 2009
"slightly shorter muzzle than 1. Feminine expression, very good ears, nice neckline, very good to go over, very good length of back, topline, excellent rear drive."
Mary Deats, 2nd Postgraduate Bitch, WKC, August 2008
"Loved this young girl, beautiful feminine head with lovely dark correct eye, small ears and stop not overdone. Arched neck running onto sloping topline. Deep chest with good front and pasterns. Moved well and held her topline and tail on the go."
Jo Sugden, 1st Open Bitch & Best Bitch, Working & Pastoral Breed of Scotland, November 2008
"Very fit, well balanced and close up here"
Rodney Oldham, 2nd Junior Bitch, Birmingham City, September 2007
"just 15 months and what a babe. If I was to take one home today this was she. Beautiful expression with really dark eyes and small well furred ears. Well constructed, good bone, pasterns and feet. Level topline but expected for a bitch of this age, but dead straight with no roll. Went really well and didn’t twitch a muscle when stood – free standing and concentrating totally on her owner/handler."
Roger Cruden, 1st Junior Bitch & RCC, Welsh Kennel Club, August 2007
"Very appealing bitch, beautiful expression, lovely head shape, dark eye, nicely balanced, good proportions, coat correct. Good front although still needs to tighten, this will come with time. Held topline well on the move"
Jo Sugden, 1st Junior Bitch, Leeds, July 2007
"Well muscled and in control on the move showing drive, nice harsh coat, feminine head with dark eye and soft expression"
Keith Givens, 1st Junior Bitch, South Wales, July 2007
"Lovely bitch, feminine but with substance & ultra sound, beautiful head & eyes, in great coat. I liked her enormously."
Frank Kane, 1st Junior Bitch, National Working & Pastoral Breeds, July 2007
"Quality bitch, nice feminine head, keen dark eye, well set ears, mischievous expression. Still alot of maturing to do but sound on the move, strong topline, good strong bone, well handled and presented"
Simon Luxmoore, 1st Junior Bitch, Blackpool, June 2007
"Very affectionate girl, pleasing expression, nice picture in profile, good length of body, nice tight feet, loose in wrists but otherwise moved really well & will soon tighten up. Very pleasing bitch."
Steve Myring, 2nd Puppy Bitch, AMCUK, May 2007
"Nice type...Very feminine head, expression, good eye, good set of ear, ample neck, good forehand, good body length, moved well"
Steve Hall, 2nd Puppy Bitch, SKC, May 2007
" Strong yet feminine all through, very good type, broad, well proportioned head, strong muzzle, complete dentition with scissor bite, medium eye shade, well set ears, well arched neck to powerful forequarters, good ribbing, level topline, tailset on well, in good clean coat, moved easily."
Richard Kinsey, 1st Puppy & Best Puppy in Breed, Barrow, March 2007
"Neat head, adorable expression. Bit bustley at present but has everything there. Good weight & muscle for age, good coat for a bitch."
Sarah Robinson, 1st Puppy Bitch, LKA, December 2006